Wake Up and Align: 7 Day Morning Routine
7 Morning Routines to Align and Flow Through Your Day.
7 Day Morning Routine
A daily practice for every day of the week.
This course is designed to carve out a small chunk of time every day (only 35 minutes) to align, gain clarity, and access flow first this.
Instead of scrolling Instagram, wake up, breathe, move, and create!
What's to Expect?
35 minute practice everyday that includes:
-7 Minute Warm Up
-7 Minute Flow
-7 Minute Strength
- 7 Minute Stretch
- 7 Minute Meditation and Journal
Your Instructor
Hi, I am so excited you're here.
Let me introduce myself.
9 years ago I walked into my first yoga class not expecting how it would transform my life. The first class was enough to have me completely enamored.
Since that first class, I trained with Yoga Medicine and various life coaches to teach the style of vinyasa yoga that is a soulful mix between a flow yoga class and a life coaching course.
Leave feeling stronger with more space in your body.
Yoga has transformed my life, I would love for you to try to let it transform you.
Kylie Ignace
To read more about me go here!
Course Curriculum
StartJournaling PDF
StartMonday Morning - 35 Minute Flow - Decide and Align (36:43)
StartTuesday Morning- 35 Minute Flow - Finding Fluidity (40:33)
StartWednesday Morning- 35 Minute Flow - Lean into Simplicity (38:38)
StartThursday Morning - 35 Minute Flow - Finding Strength (38:07)
StartFriday Morning - 35 Minute Flow - Release (36:23)
StartSaturday Morning- 35 Minute Flow- Reflect and Let Go! (34:58)
StartSunday Morning - 35 Minute Flow- Explore your Highest Potential (34:59)